Become an associate member

Why become a member?

Join a platform where DSOs can contribute to developing network codes and providing neutral expertise.

Make your voice heard and contribute to DSO Entity’s discussion at the EU level to enable DSOs to actively facilitate the energy transition in Europe.

Share knowledge and best practices with European DSOs and follow developments for DSOs on the European stage to provide future-proof conditions to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. 

Who can become an associate member?

All electricity DSOs from outside of the European Union can join DSO Entity if they fulfil the following requirements: 

  • If it is a Distribution System Operator in the meaning of the Electricity Market Directive (2019/944/EU).
    A Distribution System Operator (DSO) is the legal person responsible for operating, ensuring the maintenance of and, if necessary, developing the distribution system in each area and, where applicable, its interconnections with other systems and, for ensuring the long-term ability of the system to meet reasonable demands for the distribution of electricity, as defined under the Electricity Directive (EU) 2019/944.
  •  If it applies to all EU relevant energy laws in accordance with the Article 194 of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union (i.e., the Clean Energy Package, the European Green Deal, EU Climate Law, the EU Emission Trading System - EU ETS).
  •  If it disposes of, or has access to, the financial means needed to fulfil the obligations which arise from its DSO Entity’s membership.

What does the membership include?

  • Right to attend DSO Entity’s General Assembly and participate in its discussion.
  • Access to information, feedback, and assistance from DSO Entity on multiple technical and regulatory topics, including the EU agenda.
  • Information on latest development of the EU regulatory framework.
  • Access to updates on latest developments of the European Network Codes (i.e. technical rules ensuring the functioning of the EU internal energy market).
  • Participation in a forum of best practice exchange with fellow DSOs through our Knowledge Sharing program.
  • Reception of DSO Entity’s monthly newsletter with updates on its activities.
  • Possible involvement in national, European and international events.

Membership Fee

There are no immediate fees associated with registering. However, after approval of the application by the General Assembly, the membership becomes active after payment of the annual Associate Member fee.

The membership fee will fairly reflect the company’s number of connected customers.

The membership fee is re-approved every year by the General Assembly.


€350, - + € 0,00594 x NUMBER OF CONNECTED CUSTOMERS 

Number of connections

Member fee cost 2023




















Once the application is submitted, DSO Entity’s Secretariat reserves the right to request further information from the applicant to assess if the company complies with all requirements of a DSO Entity’s Associate Member.

If the application is valid, it will be submitted for approval to DSO Entity’s General Assembly.