DSO Entity welcomes the European Commission’s new implementing act to improve access to metering and consumption data published today

Today (6 June) the European Commission adopted new EU rules on access to electricity metering and consumption data. They are aimed at further protecting consumers and empowering them through digitalisation to be more active in the energy transition.

Today’s implementing regulation is the first of a number of such regulations, which will be put in place in the next two years in order to facilitate the interoperability of energy consumer data, in compliance with Article 24 of the Electricity Directive (EU/2019/944), and one of the key deliverables of the Digitalisation of Energy Action Plan of last October. Subsequent regulations will focus on data relating to customer switching, demand response and other services.

According to our Expert Paul de Wit (Alliander V.N.), Chair of DSO Entity Expert Group on Data Interoperability: “Harmonizing the access to metering and consumption data is key to enable massive consumer participation on the energy market. Therefore, DSO Entity, which represents over 900 DSOs that directly connect more than 250 million consumers, will contribute to accelerating the European energy transition by assisting the European Commission to guide Member States implementing the new rules.”

DSO Entity is committed to continue working with the European Commission and also with European countries to support the effective implementation of this and future acts in the series. In particular, the Commission, assisted by the representatives of the distribution and transmission system operators at the EU level (DSO Entity and ENTSO-E), will facilitate the organisation of a series of workshops to help national authorities and system operators introduce and apply the new data access interoperability rules provided by today’s legislation.

Read the official press release here.

Read the Implementing regulation on interoperability requirements and non-discriminatory and transparent procedures for access to metering and consumption data here