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DSO Entity

DSO Entity welcomed Anca-Iulia Cimpeanu (DG ENER) to discuss the Grid Action Plan with its members

On 9 February, DSO Entity had the privilege of hosting Anca-Iulia Cimpeanu, Deputy Head of Unit C4 at DG ENER, in a comprehensive webinar presenting DSO Entity’s Annual Plan 2024 to its members.

During the discussion, Ms. Cimpeanu gave a detailed overview of the recently published Grid Action Plan, the importance of DSOs, and the key-role of DSO Entity in delivering several of the action points. She also provided insights on the next steps to be taken at the European and national level to empower grids.

A Key role for DSOs in the Grid Action Plan
Ms. Cimpeanu delivered a detailed presentation of the Grid Action Plan, enlightening members on the pivotal role DSO Entity is expected to play in implementing 7 out of the 14 action points of the non-legislative text.

Ms. Cimpeanu reminded the attendees of the scale of the challenge faced by DSOs. Among the EUR 600 billion needing to be invested in the grid by 2030, two-thirds will be required for the distribution grid. Reaching this massive rise of investment will be crucial to successfully integrate more than 70% of new renewable energies anticipated at DSO level.

Ms. Cimpeanu presented the key points of the Grid Action Plan involving DSO Entity, meaning network development planning, grid availability and connection, grid smartening, funding, investments, and remuneration of DSOs, permitting and stakeholder engagement, and finally supply chain standardisation. 

She further provided insights into the Commission’s priorities, singling out some key actions points of the text: 

  • Action Point 3 was presented as crucial to the Commission as it emphasises DSO Entity’s the importance in mapping development plans, sharing best practices, and providing recommendation to support network development planning. 
  • Action Point 4 gives way to the development of anticipatory investments at the distribution level. Ms. Cimpeanu mentioned an upcoming Commission’s guidance on the topic in early 2025, that will consider the perspective of the distribution level. 
  • Permitting and public acceptance were underlined as crucial topics as well for the Commission. Ms. Cimpeanu highlighted the Commission’s ambition to develop guidance taking into account best practices of the distribution level, to both reinforce stakeholder engagement and prevent local opposition to the deployment of grids.